
other clinical studies

作者:admin | 分类:欧洲环赛程 | 浏览:44 | 日期:2024年03月10日

  The European Journal of Integrative Medicine (EuJIM) considers manuscripts from a wide range of complementary and integrative health care disciplines, with a particular focus on whole systems approaches, public health, self management and traditional medical systems. The journal strives to connect conventional medicine and evidence based complementary medicine. We encourage submissions reporting research with relevance for integrative clinical practice and interprofessional education.

  EuJIM aims to be of interest to both conventional and integrative audiences, including healthcare practitioners, researchers, health care organisations, educationalists, and all those who seek objective and critical information on integrative medicine. To achieve this aim EuJIM provides an innovative international and interdisciplinary platform linking researchers and clinicians.

  The journal focuses primarily on original research articles including systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, other clinical studies, qualitative, observational and epidemiological studies. In addition we welcome short reviews, opinion articles and contributions relating to health services and policy, health economics and psychology.

  《欧洲综合医学杂志》(EuJIM) 收录了来自广泛的互补和综合医疗保健学科的手稿,特别关注全系统方法、公共卫生、自我管理和传统医疗系统。该杂志致力于将传统医学和循证补充医学联系起来。我们鼓励提交与综合临床实践和跨专业教育相关的研究报告。

  EuJIM 旨在吸引传统和综合性受众,包括医疗保健从业者、研究人员、医疗保健组织、教育家以及所有寻求关于综合医学的客观和关键信息的人。为了实现这一目标,EuJIM 提供了一个连接研究人员和临床医生的创新国际和跨学科平台。


  《European Journal Of Integrative Medicine》(欧洲中西医结合杂志)编辑部通讯方式为STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10169。如果您需要协助投稿或润稿服务,您可以咨询我们的客服老师。我们专注于期刊投稿服务十年,熟悉发表政策,可为您提供一对一投稿指导,避免您在投稿时频繁碰壁,节省您的宝贵时间,有效提升发表机率,确保SCI检索(检索不了全额退款)。我们视信誉为生命,多方面确保文章安全保密,在任何情况下都不会泄露您的个人信息或稿件内容。

other clinical studies

